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Absence and Late Procedures

Attendance Policy and Procedures

Absence from School

If your child is not going to be in school please report their absence in one of the following ways:


Telephone the school office on 01946 66356

Text the school mobile on 07818 247 779

Email the school office at


Please do this before 9am on the first day of your child’s absence.


If we have not heard from parents by 9:15am, we will call the contact numbers that you have provided in order to gain an explanation for the absence. Please ensure that school always have up to date contact numbers, in case of emergency.


If we are still unable to confirm the reason for your child’s absence from school we will make a home visit. If there is no response at your home address then we will report the absence to the police, as your child will then be officially classed as a ‘missing child’.

This procedure is to ensure that we know where your child is and that you are all safe and it is a key part of our safeguarding requirements.



Please make appointments for doctors, dentists and opticians outside school hours whenever possible.


If your child has a hospital appointment, which you are unable to change, we would be very grateful if you could send a copy of your letter/appointment card to the school office in advance.