School Meals
School meals are freshly cooked on the premises in our own kitchen, which is managed by Caterlink. Meals are priced at £2.50 per dinner or £12.50 per week for main school children and £1.90 per day or £9.50 per week for nursery children. Dinner money needs to be paid in advance and meals can be paid for, and selected at home, using a ParentPay account, which can be activated at
Please ask at the school office if you would like log in details for a new account.
At present the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a free school meal as part of a government initiative to increase school meal uptake. Parents with children in these year groups, or anyone else entitled to free school meals, can use ParentPay to choose meals at home without having to add credit to the payment system.
Please apply online if you think that your family might be entitled to free school meals and uniform vouchers. The Cumbria County Council page can be accessed via this link:
If your child brings a packed lunch to school each day this should be kept in the classroom. Children are allowed to go home for lunch but the Head and class teacher must be notified in advance.
Click below to see the current Caterlink menu. Please note: as we are a Catholic school Caterlink provide us with a fish or vegetarian option on Fridays. This differs from the standard menu available.
On special occasions we have our ‘Fishy Fridays’ out in the sun!