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Curriculum Coverage - Science

KS1 National Curriculum Coverage

National Curriculum Coverage LKS2

National Curriculum Coverage UKS2

Curriculum Sequence

What we plan to teach:

The curriculum for Science is set out clearly for each year group and we follow the sequence suggested. We intend to stick to the topics we have per year group in order to provide children with a deep understanding and a wide breadth of knowledge in that specific topic. This will then give a good foundation of knowledge for the next time the children come across said topic. For example, Year 4 will learn about Electricity (only learning the Year 4 objectives) and this will give them a good base of knowledge for when they learn about Electricity again in Year 6.




Why we teach it:

We are following the national curriculum and ensuring that all topics are covered and in an appropriate order.


When we teach it:

We have decided to keep the topics in the year groups suggested by the national curriculum. When each topic is taught within that year group is decided by the teacher. There are many factors that come into when a topic is taught:

  • Links to other subjects (History, Geography etc)
  • Dates for trips and/or visitors
  • Season/weather (particularly with Year 1’s seasons topic and for Plants)



Who we teach it to:

As stated above, we teach the topics in the year groups suggested by the national curriculum. Each child has access to the knowledge and practical activities involved in each science topic. Work may be differentiated where needed and support given by teachers/teaching assistants. We feel that every child should be given the opportunity to learn in science and it is vital that they are given this chance. Children are often placed into mixed ability groups in science to ensure all groups are able to access the full content. Provision for SEN children differs between classes depending on the needs. Teacher or Teaching Assistant support is given where needed and we also make use of peer support as this can benefit all children involved.