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2024 - 2025 Class Photo Gallery

Mystery Reader - Check back each week to see who it has been...

A visit from the veterinary nurse...

EY Picture News - Gifts

Story: UK Prime Minister, Sir Kier Starmer has faced questioning and criticism recently for accepting free gifts.

Question: Why do people give gifts?

The children  have made a pocket hug for someone they care about linked to our EY Picture News - Gifts.

They thought about: how we would you want to decorate our hearts? What colours the person we were making it for would like! Who we would like to make it for! How do we think they will feel when we give them their gift?

Take a look at our beautiful pocket hugs...

Poetry Basket - A Cup of Tea!

Still image for this video

Pet Portraits - After learning all about pets and sending in photos of our pets from home, we have been practising our colour mixing skills to paint these amazing portraits!

Meet our class pets! Meggie the dog and Smokey the cat have been welcomed into our home corner! We have been learning how to care for them!

EY Picture News - Office Working

Story: E-commerce company, Amazon, has told all staff they need to return to the office five days a week, ending the option to work from home.

Question: Would you enjoy working in an office?

We did some sorting and packing of some Amazon orders linked to our EY Picture News.
We thought about: Which box would be good for this size item? Why? Which package is the biggest/smallest? Which package do you think is the heaviest? Why? Is the biggest package always the heaviest?

World Mental Health Day 2024 - What makes you feel good and happy?

Book Bus - The children loved visiting the book bus this week! They enjoyed listening to the librarian read us a story and then choosing their own book to read for pleasure!

EY Picture News - Books by Authors of Colour

Story: Book publishing company, Penguin Random House UK, has revealed a new book-vending machine, which aims to make works by writers of colour more visible in schools.

Question: What do you love about books?

We watched Hannah Lee reading her own story ‘My Hair’. We discussed that the character in the story loves her hair in so many ways. We chatted about what we love about our hair and how we like to have it.

Our challenge linked to this today was to try out some hairstyles for our characters using they play-dough. We hope you like them!

#EYpicturenews #BlackHistoryMonth #books #protectedcharacteristics #UNrightsofachild #britishvalues

Poetry Basket - A Wise Old Owl

Still image for this video

We have made invitations to invite our teddy bears to come to a teddy bears' picnic on Friday!

Bears! We have been learning all about different types of bear, where in the world they are found and what type of habitats they live in!

EY Picture News - Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Story: The Wildlife Photographer of the year shortlist has recently been announced, with just 100 photos left in the competition.

Question: Why do people take photographs?

Self Portraits - We have been learning all about colour mixing to help us paint these wonderful self portraits!

EY Picture News - Unexpected

Story: Space agency, NASA, says the two astronauts, Sunita Williams and Barry ‘Butch’ Wilmore, stuck on the International Space Station won’t return to Earth until next year.

Question: Why do our plans change sometimes?

We have been loving settling into Reception...

2023-2024 Class Photo Gallery

Mystery Readers! Check back each week to see who it has been...

Abigail from Year 4 took us to church to tell us all about how she helps the church family by being an altar server. Lots of our Reception frineds would like to do this when they have taken their First Holy Communion now...

Delivering the good news about Jesus, just like St. Paul! The children visited different classes and grown ups around school to tell them all about how Jesus is our best friend by performing the song they have learned!

Australian animal observational drawing and information writing!

Destination 3 is Australia...

EY Picture News - Olympic and Paralympic Games

We have been learning how this year there will be the Olympic and Paralympic games in Paris, France. The children learned that to be really good at sport takes lots and lots of practice; running, balancing, using a bat and ball, throwing and catching, jumping and swimming.
The children had a PE session was linked to the Olympics and Paralympics . We were split into teams and chose our countries we wanted to represent - linked to countries we have been finding out about in our 'Around the World' topic.
We then took part in some events linked to running, jumping and throwing.
Well done to Brazil who won our Olympic Games and took the gold medals on the podiums!

St. Peter was Jesus' rock... Look at the wonderful rocks we have decorated and brought in from home to add to our prayer area.

A talk from Tomi's Dad all about life in Nigeria!

Africa, destination 2!

First stop, Europe! Take a look at some of our exploring for this destination...

Our role play area has become an airport! We will be jetting off to lots of different destinations this half term!

To start our 'Around the World' topic, we all talked about where we had been on holiday to, how we travelled there and we then found it on a globe and the big full world map.

We learned that the Holy Spirit arrived to Jesus' friends at Pentecost and that one of the ways it arrived was with a strong wind! We went outside to experiment with scarves to feel the wind of the Holy Spirit around us!

Great British Brushathon! We have been learning all about how to brush our teeth correctly and why it is important. Take a look at our #selfies as part of the #greatbritishbrushathon for National Smile Month!

We had a paramedic come to visit us at school to tell us all about how she helps people in her job...

We visited Whitehaven fire station as part of our topic on 'People Who Help Us'. What a wonderful visit it was...

Flowers for Mary - The children used their cutting, curing and joining skills to make the beautiful hyacinths to offer to Mary at our school liturgy.

Take a look at the amazing, detailed portraits the children have drawn of people who help us in school...

EY Picture News - Finding about Neanderthals and Dinosaurs that are now extinct...

Jesus is with us...

We have been sharing the story of the Ascension, where Jesus returned home to heaven to be with God, His Father.
We listened to the Bible story and learned how Jesus told his friends before ascending into heaven, that although they would no longer be able to see Him, He would always be with them.
We then visited church to see the Tabernacle, the special place in church where we believe Jesus is present.
We looked carefully at the Tabernacle and talked about what it looked like and how it had been made to look so special as a home for Jesus.

We then had a quiet reflection time to talk about how we know that Jesus is still with us. The children all came up with thoughtful ideas of how they know Jesus is with them. Look at the wonderful ideas the children thought of:
I know Jesus is with me when…
... the clouds part in the sky
... I play with ice outside

... I give Mardie a kiss
...I have good food to eat
... I feel the wind
... I am outside
... I see a rainbow
... I do nice things with my Daddy
... I have fun
... I feel loved
... my baby brother smiles at me
... I see all the animals in the world
... I play with my brother
... I play with my family and friends and when I look at the Tabernacle
... I feel Him in my heart

EY Picture News - Challenge Yourself! 

We looked at this weeks Picture News Poster. What can you see? What did we like or dislike about this picture? What do you think the people were doing?

Story: Scottish runner, Jasmin Paris, has become the first female runner and one of only twenty to complete what is thought to be the world’s toughest race; the Barkley Marathons in Tennessee, USA.

Question: How can you challenge yourself?

We then all challenged ourselves with a 'mini marathon' doing 10 laps up and doen the grass! Every child completed the challenge running 1 mile each! 

Happy St. George's Day! The children celebrated by making England flags, roses and shields and by having a parade through school to explain to everyone the importance of St. George's Day!

EY PictureNews - Being Banksy

We looked at this weeks Picture News Poster. What can you see? What did we like or dislike about this picture? What do you think the people were doing?

Story: A new artwork, from the mysterious street artist Banksy, appeared in North London overnight in March and has since been covered in plastic and surrounded by wooden boards to protect it.

Question: What art do you enjoy?

Hot Cross Buns! We learned how hot cross buns are a symbol of Easter and how lots of people eat them on Good Friday to remember how Jesus was crucified on the cross. On the last day of term we all tried hot cross buns for special snack! Delicious!

He is risen! The children had to listen carefully, follow instructions and practise their pencil control and cutting skills to create these wonderful Easter cards to take home for their loved ones.

Measuring our beantalks! We have been measuring the growth of our beanstalks each week with maths blocks (one colour for each week). Look how much they have grown before we took them home to care for...

EY Picture News - What does it mean to be rich?

We looked at this week's Picture News Poster. What did we like or dislike about this picture? Has anyone ever been on boats like these before? Do you think many people have boats like these? Why? What do you think this week’s news story could be all about?

Story: Poverty-fighting charity Oxfam has released a report, which found that if current wealth trends continue, the world will have its first trillionaire within 10 years.

Question: What does the word ‘rich’ mean to you?

Stations of the Cross - We visited St. Mary's Church to learn all about the events of Good Friday by looking at the stations of the cross. Our class station was number 2 'Jesus is made to carry His cross'.

Celebration Assembly! The children performed a wondeful celebration assembly all about springtime and Easter for the rest of the school as well as grown ups from home.

We loved a visit onto the book bus for a story and to choose some wonderful new books!

EY Picture News - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Story: Many families who travelled to Glasgow for an event that claimed to channel the magic of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were sorely disappointed. Question: How does it feel to be disappointed?

EY Picture News - Phone Rules. Story: Ministers have confirmed plans to ban the use of mobile phones in English schools and have released guidance for headteachers. Question: Why do we have school rules?

The walls of Jerusalem! In RE we have been learning about the events of Palm Sunday - when Jesus rode into the cirty of Jerusalem on a donkey. We looked at photos of the city walls then worked in groups to construct our own!

Look at the journey of our living eggs!

World Book Day! We did lots of activities around the book 'Oliver's Fruit Salad'! We tasted lots of different fruits from the story, then voted on our favourites! We made fruit salad for special snack then finished the day with Y6 coming down to read with us!

A visit from Gerald! 

We had a visit from the Life Education Services and Gerald the Giraffe. Sarah taught us all about our bodies and how to keep them healthy. We met Gerald the Giraffe, and we helped him with his morning routine; washing his face, brushing his teeth, brushing his hair.
We talked about exercise and danced and moved our body parts. Our hearts were beating fast after this so we knew we’d exercised.
Finally we lay down on the floor, had a rest and talked about how our bodies need rest and to sleep.

Happy Mother's Day!

EY Picture News - World Book Day

This Week's Story: Across the UK and Ireland, the charity, World Book Day, will be holding its annual celebration on Thursday 7th March (we as a school are celebrating on Friday 8th March) and this year’s campaign, ‘Read Your Way’.

Question: What do you enjoy about books?

Look out for pictures of our World Book Day celebrations on Friday! 

The Good Samaritan - Mrs Wright, from the diocese, came in to lead a 'Godly Play' session for us based on the story of 'The Good Samaritan'.

Shelters for Jesus in the desert - We have been hearing the story of Jesus in the desert where he went for 40 days before his crucifixion. The children created shelters to shelter Jesus from the hot sun and strong wings found there as well as the chill that arrives over night...

EY Picture News - Farming 

We looked at this weeks Picture News poster and talked about what we could see. What we liked and disliked about the picture? What do you think this week’s news story could be about?

Story: In countries across Europe, tractors have been blocking city streets and motorways as farmers protest against certain European Union rules.

Question: What do you know about farming? What do you find on a farm? How do farmers help us all?

Mardi Gras! 

In RE we have learned that Mardi Gras is a festival that is also celebrated on Shrove Tuesday. The children found out that Mardi Gras is a carnival that is celebrated in February to mark the end of the pre-lenten season in many countries, such as America, Brazil, Italy and Germany. We used a globe to look where these countries are in the world. There is music, dance, colourful parades and costumes during Mardi Gras. The word Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday - (like pancake day) from the custom of using all the fats in the home before Lent in preparation for fasting and abstinence. In the Mardi Gras parades the people wear beautiful masks and costumes as well as beaded necklaces.
The children all made these fabulous beaded necklaces that they could wear in a Mardi Gras parade! Take a look at them, aren't they fantastic!

EY Picture News - Drinks!

We looked at this weeks Picture News poster and talked about what we could see. We discussed that the poster shows some plastic drink bottles.

We thought about: Do you like the look of these drink bottles? What do you like or dislike about them? I showed the children my drinks bottle (with the label still attached) Do you like my drinks bottle? Do you think my drinks bottle looks the same as these? How are they the same or different?

Story: Coca-Cola has announced it will temporarily be removing labels from Sprite and Sprite Zero bottles to trial ‘label-less’ packaging in some areas of the UK.

Question: How do you choose what drink to buy?

We then looked at lots of different drinks we might like to consume and tried out making our very own healthy fruit smoothies for snack! 


After reading 2 books in our literacy and topic sessions this week - 'The Tiny Seed' by Eric Carle and 'A Seed in Need' by Sam Godwin, we have planted our own runner bean seeds to care for over the coming weeks!
We have learned all about how seeds need warmth, water and nutrients to grow well. We have planted them in pots with compost and given them water. We used trowels to fill the pots carefully and a watering can to water them with. We will be checking on them each day and we will keep you updated each week on how our seeds are growing and progressing! 

The children have all made a Lenten Promise linked to putting other's needs before their own. We have made a beautiful paper chain from them and added it to the prayer table...

Space Party Day! Take a look at some of the fun things that we got up to...

Space Costumes! Look at the amazing space costumes we created for our party day! We practised our drawing skills again creating self portraits in our costumes - look at the super detail that we added!

Alien Slime Special Snack! We made green, lime jelly to have for specail snack at our space party! The children observed as the solid jelly cubes dissolved in the hot water to make a liquid. They were amazed how it had set back to a solid in the fridge ready for them to eat!

Fr. Kevan popped into to collect our Get Well Soon cards and prayers to deliver to the poorly people in hospital. Fr. Kevan said the people in hospital would really appreciate them.

Liz Million - Author and Illustrator. The children had a wonderful time working with Lz and drawing their own space robots!

Astronauts - We have been learning all about some famous astronauts from history - the first man into space, the first woman into space, the first man to walk on the moon, the first black woman in space and the British astronaut who lived on the ISS for 6 months! This inspired lots of our costumes for Space Party Day!

Alien Art - the children have been refining their drawing skills, learning how to add detail and features to their drawings!

Letters to Mrs Starkie - The children have written letters asking Mrs Starkie if we are allowed a space party on the last day of term... She checked her diary when we delivered them, and agreed!

EY Picture News - Fashion!

This week’s story is all about a new BBC television programme called Style It Out. The programme is a fashion competition, where 9 children get the chance to be clothes designers and put together different outfits.

We discussed: What is fashion? Would this competition be something you might enjoy? Do you have a favourite outfit? What does it look like? How do you feel when you wear it?

The children taking part in the television show competition must make all of their clothes using second-hand materials. We thought about: What does second-hand mean?

Second-hand means it is not new and someone else has already used or worn it. Using clothes and materials second-hand is good for our environment, because it means we don’t throw as many clothes away and we don’t need to make as many new ones.

Question: Where can we get clothes from?

As we grow, we all need to get bigger clothes because the clothes we have become too small. We looked at the attached sheet which shows where and how people get clothes.

We discussed: When you need more clothes, do you know where they come from? Have you had any second-hand clothes before? Maybe given to you from an older brother or sister, from a friend or bought from a charity shop!

Junk Model Space Vehicles

Get Well Soon Cards

In RE we have been learning all about how Jesus came to show God's love and welcomes everyone into God's Kingdom. We learned how this includes people who are unwell. We learned how Jesus takes care of people who are sick and shared some stories where he healed people to show God's love. We talked about how we can help people who are unwell to feel better. The children shared lots of ideas including giving them a hug or a kiss, taking them to the doctors or the hospital, making them good food to eat, messaging or ringing them to check in on them, getting them their medicines or sending them a small gift or card to cheer them up.
We talked about how Fr. Kevan goes to visit people in hospital who are unwell so we decided to make some Get Well Soon cards for him to take to cheer some of the patients up who are unwell in hospital.
The children listemed and followed instructions well to make their cards. We will next be composing prayers to go inside the cards for the patients in hospital to read. We are hopeful they will make those poorly people feel better. We are trying hard to be kind and love everyone like Jesus taught us.

EY Picture News - Self Driving Cars

We looked at the Picture News Poster.

We discussed: What can you see? What do you like or dislike about the picture? What do you think this week’s news story might be about?

The picture shows a Mercedes car that had been designed to be a possible self-driving car.

We discussed: What do you think a self-driving car is? Have you ever seen any self-driving cars before?

It has been in the news that some self-driving cars may be on the roads in England, Scotland and Wales by the end of the year 2026. We discussed what year it is now, 2024 and counted up to 2026.

We discussed: What do you think about this? Would you like to go in a self-driving car? Why? Do you think we will see lots of self-driving cars on the roads in a few years’ time?

We looked at the world map to see where this weeks story events related to… the United Kingdom.

Question: What must a self-driving car be able to do? We used the attached sheet to discuss these ideas.
Before we have self-driving cars, the people who do sign them will need to make sure they are even better than a car with a driver.

We discussed: Do you think self-driving cars will be able to do all of these things in the photos? Which do you think will be the most difficult to teach cars to do? Why? Would you like to be able to drive a car one day? Do you think you will or do you think all the cars will be self-driving by then?

EY Picture News - Learning to Read...

This week’s news story is all about children learning to read. A university in Spain has been studying how well children learn to read and understand what they are reading. They have been looking at children reading books and children reading from a screen like a tablet, phone or a computer.

We discussed: Do you like to read at home? Do you read by yourself or with someone else? Do you always read and look at books you can hold, or do you sometimes read and share stories on a screen? What do you like the most?

The university in Spain found out that children learn and understand what they are reading much more when reading a book you can hold, rather than on a screen.

We discussed: What do you like about reading a book? Is it holding the book, turning pages, lifting flaps, looking at pictures?

We looked at the world map to see where this weeks story events related to… Spain.

When people look at and read a book, they choose one they think they will enjoy. We looked at some different books on the screen.

We discussed: Which book would you chose to look at and read? What makes you think you would enjoy this book? Do you like story books (fiction) or books that tell you information (non fiction) the most? Do you have a favourite book at home or school that you love to read again and again? What is it? (We looked through the EY Picture News homework)

We then all visited our school library to look at, share and enjoy some books, 

Our new topic is 'Space' - look at all the exciting exploring we have been doing linked to it...


As part of our work on winter, we read a non fiction book all about snow. We learned that snow is frozen rain and that snowflakes are actually tiny drops of ice which are formed in the freezing cold clouds and fall to earth!
The children learned about other things related to snow too including - what snowdrifts and blizzards are, how snow ploughs clear the roads during snowy weather, what we should wear in the snow and all about animals and people who live in the snow all year round near the North and South poles! We learned how a mode of transport used there is a snow mobile - we all thought we would like a go on one!
During exploring time, the children all then got to explore our fake snow! They loved it! The talked about what it felt, looked, smelled and sounded like. They also experimented with different patterns and marks that could be made in it and how it could be moved and manipulated!

A Winter Walk! 

This week we went on a little winter walk around our school grounds looking for signs that we are in the season of winter, using information we have learned from the books we have been reading. Evidence we found…
* We could feel the cold air.
* The wind was freezing.
* We had to wear lots of layers to keep warm.
* The trees had no leaves as they had lost them in autumn and they’ve not yet grown back because it is too chilly.
* some buds were starting to appear on the trees preparing for the new leaves to grow when the springtime months come around.
* There was water on the grass, but it hadn’t rained. We learned that this was from frost and ice that had been there this morning and had since melted and turned back to a liquid in the winter sun.
* Some thistles still had frost on them - we thought they looked like snowflakes!
* Some branches had been blown off the trees trees during the stormy winter weather.
* We found catkins hanging on one tree, we had learned in the 'Secrets of Winter' book that some birds like to eat these in winter.
* In a garden of a house next to school, we could see some evergreen trees and plants/bushes (we learned these are plants and trees that don’t lose their leaves).

EY Picture News - Emojis! 

These faces are emojis. Some people add emojis in messages they send to other people. They may send them in messages on their phones, tablets or computers. It can be a way to show people how you feel without writing a word. Emojis have been in the news because one boy, aged 10, has asked a company that uses them to change one that he doesn’t like.

We discussed: Have you seen people use emojis before? Have you ever used one? Do you like them? Do you have a favourite one?

We looked at a map to see where this weeks story events related to… Oxfordshire, UK.

We then looked at some of the different emojis people send in messages to other people.

We discussed: If you were sent one of these emojis, what do you think it would mean? Does everyone agree? Does anyone think it means something different? Do you think they help us to know how someone is feeling? Do they tell us why someone is feeling that way?

Exploring Ice! Following on from making our own ice, we loved exploring with it in our outdoor area this week!

Making Ice! As part of our learning about Winter, we have been experimenting to try and make ice! The children have learned the words liquid, solid, freeze and melt! They discovered that the fridge wasn't cold enough to freeze the liquid but the freezer was! They all enjoyed frozen ice pops for a special snack!

Jack Frost Magic Pictures! After reading 'Here Comes Jack Frost' by Kazuno Kohara, the children created these wonderful portraits of Jack frost using white wax candles and a blue colour wash!

The Nursery Rhyme Nativity! The children did an amzing job of retelling the nativity story through their perfomances of 'The Nursery Rhyme Nativity'. They performed it to grown ups and loved ones from home. We are so proud of them all.

Christmas Dinner! The children all thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas dinner (especially the Christmas crackers!) They made lots of links to what we learned about the traditions that the Victorians introduced that influence how we celebrate Christmas today - having turkey, having Christmas crackers and all sitting together for a celebratory meal.

Our Visit to Muncaster! The children had a wonderful time at Muncaster Castle learning all about Christmas in the past, soecifically the traditions that were introduced in Victorian times...

We have been making Advent wreaths and a class calendar to help us count down to Jesus' birthday!

EY Picture News - Antarctica!

The picture has been taken in Antarctica.

We discussed: What do you know about Antarctica? Do you know where Antarctica is? Do people live there? What animals do you think live there?

It has been in the news that more plants than ever before are growing in Antarctica.

We discussed: Why do you think there are not many plants in Antarctica? Usually, there aren’t many plants because it is so cold and there is so much ice there. Why do you think that some plants have started to grow in Antarctica?

The world is getting warmer, which means Antarctica is getting warmer too. The ice there is slowly melting so more plants can grow.

We discussed: Do you think the ice me,ting and more plants growing in Antarctica is a good thing? Why?

Where we live, we need and want lots of plants to grow, but in Antarctica, animals, such as penguins, live on ice. If the ice melts, their homes get smaller.

We looked at a world map to see where this week’s story events related to… Antarctica. We even looked at the globe too.

We then look at some pictures of some of the things we can all do to slow down the world getting warmer (climate change).

We discussed: Which of these things do you and your family do? How do you think this helps?

We loved visiting St. Mary's Church to see Fr. Kevan and Learn all about baptism...

We loved celebrating how God made us all unique and how it is great to be different by weraing our odd socks to school!

Library Van Visit!

EY Picture News - Robots! 

A new robot, called Digit, is being tested in Amazon’s warehouses.

We discussed: Have you heard of the company Amazon before? What do you know about Amazon? Have you or someone in your family ever bought anything from Amazon before? How do you buy items from Amazon? How do the items get to your home?

Amazon has many big warehouses, where they store all the different items that they sell. In the warehouses, there are lots of jobs to be done including putting everything Amazon sells on shelves, finding what each person wants to buy and packing it into a box ready to go out. Amazon is trialling, which means trying out, these new robots to help them pick up and move empty boxes so they can be ready to use again.

We discussed: Do you think using robots to do a job like moving boxes around is a good idea? Amazon wants the robots to work together with people. Would you like to work with a robot? Why?

We looked at a world map to see where this week’s story events related to… Seattle, USA.

Robots are being used by Amazon to try and help people. We looked at some pictures, which show jobs or things that people do.

We discussed: Which of these things do you think a robot can do or will be able to do in the future? Are there any that you think a robot will never be able to do as well as a real person? Why? What else do you think robots may be able to help us with on the future? Would you want a robot, like Digit, in your home? If so, what would you like it to do?

Hedgehogs! We have been learning all about hedghogs - take a look at our wonderful exploring!

EY Picture News - Money! 
We looked at the picture news poster to see what we could see. This person on the picture is learning how to use money to buy things.
It’s is in the news that some children have not been taught enough about money at home or at school to help them use it when they become grown ups. 

We discussed: What do you know about money? What do you think you need money for? What about when you area grownup? What do you think grownups need money for? Where does money come from? Have you ever been given any money? If so, what did you do with it? 

We looked at a world map to see where this week’s story events related to… the United Kingdom.

We thought about the question ‘how important is it to understand money?’
All grown ups receive money. They may receive it in cash or it may go into their bank. Grown ups need to pay for lots of things, but they also need to be careful with their money to make sure they have enough for all the important things they need. We looked at a sheet, which shows some of the things that grownups pay for with their money.

We discussed: Which do you think are the most important things grownups need to spend money on? What do you think are the ‘treat’ things they can buy if they have some money left? If you or a grownup has some money that they don’t need or want to spend, what can you/they do with it? 

Remembrance Day - We have created beautiful Poppy collages for our prayer area. We have learned how poppies are a symbol of remembrance and how every year on 11th November, we remember all of the soldiers who have given so much to keep us all safe...

We loved attending the official opening of our new school library! We especially liked listening to a story read by local author, Helen Haroldson!

Bonfire Night! We enjoyed learning all about what Bonfire Night is and why we celebrate it every year on 5th November!

We have been making diva lamps from air drying clay - Hindu people use these to decorate their homes during the festival of Diwali. We learned that they place them near doors and windows to welcome visitors and the Goddess Lakshmi into their homes!

Diwali! We have been learning all about the Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light!

EY Picture News - Footwear! 

This week’s news story is about Kelvin Kipman, who has run a marathon in Chicago, USA, with a record breaking time of just over two hours.

We discussed: What is a marathon? Do you know anyone who enjoys running or has run a marathon before?

A marathon is just over 26 miles.

We discussed: How hard do you think it will be to run this far? What do you think people will need to do before they run a marathon e.g, practise runs, eat healthy, sleep well?

Runners choose what trainers they run in and Kelvin Kiptum chose to wear Nike Alphafly 3 ‘super shoes’.

We discussed: What do you think a ‘super shoe’ is? What do you think runners, like Kelvin, will think about when they choose what shoes to wear e.g, which will be the comfiest, which will help them to run the fastest?

We looked at the world map to see where this weeks event were related to… Chicago, USA.

We next looked at some different types of footwear.

We discussed: Which type of foot wear do you wear a lot? What do you like to do when you are wearing them? Do you choose different types of footwear to do different things?

Following on from our visit from the veterinary nurse, we have loved taking part in some vets role play using what we learned!

EY Picture News - The Sycamore Gap

This week our news is all about a sycamore tree. It is found between two hills along the famous Hadrian’s Wall that was built a very long time ago to separate England from Scotland. Many people enjoy walking along Hadrian’s Wall and have had photos taken of themselves with this tree during their walk.

We discussed: Has anyone ever been on a walk along Hadrian’s Wall before? Do you like walking in the countryside? What do you or don’t you like about it? What might you see while walking in the countryside?

It has been in the news that someone, without asking permission first, has chopped this tree down. It was found already chopped down by some people walking. (We watched the video to show the tree before and after it had been felled).

We discussed: What do you feel about this week’s story? Why do you think someone has chopped this tree down? What you you say to the person who chopped it down?

We looked at the world map to see where this week’s story events related to… Northumberland, UK.

We next listened to the children, who are sharing a place that is special to them.

We discussed: Do you have a place that is special to you? Where is it? What makes it special for you? How would you feel if your special place got damaged?

We loved visiting our wonderful new school library...

A visit from the veterinary nurse!

Pet Encounter Cumbria! The children loved having a visit from all these wonderful pets! We have learned the makaton sign for them all too!

EY Picture News - Black History Month

We are now in the month of October and every October we celebrate Black History Month.

We discussed: What is history?

History is all about things that have already happened. it may be a very long time ago or not that long ago. Black History Month celebrates the amazing achievements of Black people and this year we are particularly looking at women. It may be women who are great singers, written books, had great success on something such as fashion, sport, business, medicine.

We discussed: Do you know any amazing women? Who are they? Are they famous (e.g., you have seen them on television) or is it someone you know well like someone in your family or a friend? What have they done that you think is amazing?

We looked at the world map to see where this week’s story events related to; United Kingdom where we are celebrating Black History Month.

We next looked at some ways we might celebrate something that someone in our family or a friend has done. (See attached sheet)

We discussed: Have you ever celebrated something that someone you know has done? Maybe your friends or family celebrated something you did? What was it? How did you celebrate? How did the celebration make you feel?

We next had a look at a song about Mary Seacole; a nurse who helped soldiers, who had been hurt in the war.

Whilst exploring, we practised our sewing skills like the amazing nurse, Mary Secole, did whilst sewing up soldiers wounds. We also learned that lots of black women wear their hair in plaits or braids which look amazing so we did some maths work measuring plaits of hair using non standard measures. 

Pet Portraits! We have been learning how to colour mix and observe carefully to create these wonderful pet portraits!

P.E. Inter Schools Obstacle Event at Kells Infants

Our Class Pets! We have been learning all about pets and have got two pets in our home corner now - Meggie the dog and Smokey the cat! We have been learning all about how to look after them properly...

EY Picture News - World Records

The new Guinness World Record Book for 2024 is now available to buy from shops and online.

We discussed: Does anyone know what a Guinness Word Record is? Does anyone have a Guinness World Record Book at home?

The picture shows 15 year old Simeon Graham, who has broken three world records this year, managing to achieve the most juggling catches in one minute with. Five, six and seven objects.

We discussed: What is juggling? Have you ever had a go at juggling before? How do you think people learn how to juggle? Is it something you would like to learn?

We looked at a map to see her this week’s story events related to: London, Guinness a World Records global headquarters.

We then had a look at some of the new world records for this year.

We discussed: Which of these world records do you like the most? Why? If you were to break a world record, what would you do? How do you think people break records? Do you think it’s easy to do?


We have been learning all about bears! We have learned about different types of bears and the habitats around the world that they live in. We also enjoyed reading and creating a story map for the story, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We then used puppets to act the story out! 

As well as this we created invitations to our own bears at home, inviting them to a teddy bears' picnic in school! We brought all our bears in and introduced them to all our firneds. We also made jam sandwiches for a special snack and enjoyed eating them outdoors at a real teddy bears' picnic! 

Take a look at all the fun we have had learning about bears...

EY Picture News - The Moon

It has been in the news that a space agency from India has sent a space shuttle to the Moon. The space shuttle, which does not have any astronauts (people) on board, is the first space shuttle to successfully land near the Moon’s South Pole.

We looked at some pictures of the moon.

We discussed: Where do you think the Moon’s South Pole is? We pointed to the South and North Pole. Why do you think the space agency in India wanted to send a shuttle to the moon? Why do you think they did it without any astronauts?

As no one has ever landed near the South Pole of the Moon before, India wanted to be the frost country to do it. Now that they have landed on the Moon, they will be able to explore and find out more about it.

We discussed: What do you already know about the Moon?

We looked at the world map to see where this week’s story looks at events related to… India.

We then looked at the pictures and talked about some facts about the Moon. 

We discussed: Would you like to find out more? What would you like to find out? How do you think finding out more about the Moon could help us in the future?

EY Picture News - School Buildings

It has been in the news that some schools have not been able to open at the start of the year because their building are not safe to go in.

We discussed: What do you think could be wrong with the school buildings? What do you think might happen if the buildings are not fixed? How would you feel if you were told you couldn’t start school because the building wasn’t safe? Do you think schools should shut if they are not safe?

We looked at the world map to see where this week’s story events related to… the United Kingdom.

We next listened to some children who were telling us all about someone who makes them feel safe.

We discussed: Who helps you feel safe? What do they do to make you feel safe? Do you think you help anyone else to feel safe? Who?

Self Portraits - All of our Reception friends have been learning what a portrait is and have painted beautiful self portraits for our class gallery!

EY Picture News - Lifejackets!

This week's news story is about a new law that the government (the people in charge of a country) are making in Canada.

We discussed: What is law? Why do you think we have laws? What do you think might happen if someone breaks a law?

The new law in Canada is that all children aged 12 or under must wear a lifejacket on a boat. If children are found not to be wearing one, the grown-up in charge will have to pay a fine (this is an amount of money they must pay because they broke the law).

We discussed: What is a lifejacket? Why do people wear them? What does a lifejacket do? Do you think this new law is a good idea? Why?

We looked at the world map to see where this weeks events related to… Canada.

We then looked at some different types of boats. 

We discussed: Which boat would you most like to go on? Why? Are there any you wouldn’t like to try? Do you think everyone should wear lifejackets on all these boats? Why?

I wonder if your child can tell you about what we have been learning about in Picture News? Can they remember what we should wear when on a boat to keep us safe?

Our first day in Reception! What fun we have had!

2022-2023 Photo Gallery

Mystery Reader - Check back each week to see who it has been!

Our 'One Day Holiday' to Seascale! What fun we had!

Our Poetry Basket Assembly! The children did an amzing performance for the whole school and grown ups from home! We are so proud of them all!

EY Picture News - Wimbledon! 

This weeks new’s story is about the famous tennis tournament, Wimbledon, which is happening right now.

We discussed: What do you know about tennis? Have you seen the Wimbledon tournament on television? Is there anyone in your home, who really likes tennis? Do you know any of the rules of tennis? Is it a sport you have tried before, if not, would you like to?

What do you think makes a good tennis player? A good runner, strong arms, someone who loves the sports?

We looked at the map to see where this week’s story events were related to.

We then looked at some prizes we may win when we take part in a competition or a game.

We discussed: Have you ever won any of these prizes before? What’s as it for? Do we always win a competition because we are the best at something? Is it sometimes good luck? Do you always have to win? How does it feel to win something?

Learning all about Nigeria! Angelo's Daddy came in to talk to us all about what it is like to live in Nigeria. The children then each asked him a question to find out even more... What a wonderful learning experience for us all!

EY Picture News - The Countryside Code

This week's news story is all about a government organisation, called Natural England, who have teamed up with Shaun ten Sheep to help people learn all about the Countryside Code.

We discussed: What is the countryside? What might you see in the countryside? What do you think the Countryside Code might be?

We watched the video (Shaun the Sheep Countryside Campaign -  Which shows Shaun the Sheep and his friends explaining more about the Countryside Code.

We discussed: What do you think Shaun the Sheep and his friends are trying to tell us?

We looked at the world map to see where this week’s story events related to.

We looked at and talked through the poster about the Countryside Code. 

Mamma Mia Pizzeria! The children loved learning all about the continent of Europe this week, especially the country of Italy! We made a special food that was first made in Italy 144 years ago... Pizza!

Our Airport! We have been learning all about airports, what happens there and how we can travel to any destination in the world by aeroplane! We have made an airport in our role play and have been learning about all of the different roles we can take on and the vocabulary we would use!

The Church! We visited St. Mary's Church to learn all about the features of the special building, where we, as God's family, are always welcome to go...

EY Picture News - Sleeping Outdoors! 

This weeks news story is about 13-year-old Max Woosey. When he was 10, he wanted to raise £100 for a hospice (a place that helps very poorly people) near to where he lives. He decided he would sleep outside in a tent in his garden and ask people to sponsor him (give him money) for doing so. Max slept in his tent every night, even through heavy rain and wind, and now has become a Guinness World Record breaker for being the person who has raised the most money ever by camping. He slept in his tent every night for three years and raised £750,000.

We discussed: Have you ever slept in a tent? If so, what was it like? If you haven’t, would you like to? What noises do you think you might hear when you are in a tent? Do you think you would enjoy sleeping in a tent every night? What do you think it would be like when it rained hard or it was really windy?

We looked at the map to see where this weeks story event related to; Devon, United Kingdom.

We looked at pictures of different places you could go on an adventure and put up a tent.

We discussed: If you were to go on an adventure and stay in a tent for a night, where would you like to go and put up your tent? What do you think you would hear in your tent? Is there anywhere you wouldn’t put up your tent? Why?

We then tried to break some records of our own too! 

Firefighter role play inspired by our visit to Whitehaven Fire Station!

Our visit to Whitehaven Fire Station!

EY Picture News - World Environment Day

This week’s news story is all about World Environment Day, which is celebrated every year on 5th June. On this day, everyone is encouraged to think about how we can protect (look after) our environment.

We discussed: What is our environment! What do you think we are trying to protect?

Our environment is everything around us including plants and animals, rivers, mountains, beaches and even the air we breathe.

We discussed: How do you think we can help protect our environment? E.g. How do we help keep our beaches clean and tidy? How can we protect wild animals that live in the woods? What do you think could happen to some wild animals, if litter is left lying around?

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), who set up World Environment Day, thinks we can do a lot to stop the huge levels of plastic being thrown away.

We looked at map to see where this weeks story looks at events related to: Côte d’lvoire (World Environment Day host)

We looked and some pictures of plastic items that we use once and then throw away.

We discussed: Do you think we need to use all these plastic things? What could we use instead? Would it be a good idea to buy a bottle of water everyday before you come to school? What could you do instead? If everyone stopped using plastic things that get thrown away after using only once, do you think we could make a difference? How would it help our environment and our world?

Presenting our flowers to Our Lady - we visited St. Mary's Church to present our hyacinths to Our Lady. Don't they look beautiful!

Flowers for Mary - We used our design and technology skills of folding, cutting, curling and joining to make these beautiful hyacinths to present to Mary at the May Liturgy!

EY Picture News - Staying Safe on the World Wide Web

This weeks news story is all about the World Wide Web.

We discussed: Does anyone know what the World Wide Web is?

The World Wide Web is all the websites we can look at when we are on the internet.

We discussed: What do you like to do online? What do you use to get onto your favourite websites e.g., a laptop, a phone, a tablet? Does everyone in your home like to use the same or different websites? Why do people in your home like to use websites for e.g., shopping, watching videos, playing games, finding out information?

The World Wide Web is in the news as it has been 30 years since the first websites were put on the internet.

We discussed: Can you imagine not being able to go onto websites now? If your family couldn’t buy anything from a website, how would they be able to buy everything they need? If they wanted to find out something, how would they do it?

We looked at a map to see where the World Wide Web was invented. It was invented by a British Computer Scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 while working at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. The web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists and institutes around the world.

We next looked at some popular logos from company websites grown-ups and children like to visit.

We discussed: Do you recognise any of these logos? Which of these websites do you go on? What do you use them for? Do you know any grown-ups who use any of these? How do you make sure that you are safe when you go onto your favourite websites? Do you have rules at home about being online?
Do your parents/carers tell you when you should come off websites/online games?
Is it ok to talk to people you know online? What about people you don’t know? Have you ever seen something on a website that you don’t like or makes you feel sad, what should you do?

Year 6 came to share stories with Reception as part of 'National Share a Story Month'! The children loved it!

Paramedic Visit! As part of our 'People Who Help Us' topic we have been learning all about the different jobs that people who work for the NHS do. We were very luck that Anne, a paramedic, visited school with an ambulance to bring the learning alive!

The Ascension - The children learned all about the Ascension story and role played it outside, thinking ver hard about the emotions Jesus and his friend would have experienced.

EY Picture News - Seagulls! 


This week's story is all about seagulls. Blackpool Zoo has said it is going to employ some people whose job will be to scare away seagulls. These people will dress up in large inflatable bird costumes and shoo away seagulls they see at the zoo. 


We discussed: Why do you think Blackpool Zoo might need people to do this? Is this a job you think you would enjoy? Have you ever had a problem with a seagull before? What happened? How did you feel?

Seagulls are known for stealing food. Sometimes they can take it straight out of your hands! Blackpool Zoo has said that seagulls are taking food from people and also from the animal enclosures.

We discussed: Do you think this is something Blackpool Zoo needs to stop? Why? Is it fair to treat the animals in this way?

We then completed lots of different zoo and seagull related exploring! 


EY Picture News - The Eurovision Song Contest! The children learned all about the Eurovision Song Contest that is being held in Liverpool on behalf of the Ukraine this week. They had all prepared a talent for our own talent show and everyone voted for their favourite acts!

Our National Anthem Performance!

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Over the past 2 weeks we have been learning the National Anthem with Makaton signs to help us! We performed it in assembly for everyone! Long live the King! 👑🇬🇧

Observational Portraits of King Charles III! Super detail on these portraits from all of our friends!

King Charles III’s Coronation! We have been learning all about King Charles III and his upcoming coronation this week...

Our Allotment! 

This week in RE we have been learning more about the Resurrection and how Mary Magdelene visited the tomb on where Jesus' body was on Easter Sunday. We learned how she found out that Jesus was alive again.
We talked about the special thing happened in this story and how we thought Mary Magdelene would have felt? We learned about how this only happened to Jesus because He was God’s son – it was a miracle and how God made this happen to prove we should believe in Him and in His Son – Jesus.

We talked about the bean seeds we planted before Easter and how we had to care for them to make them thrive and grow and then found out that we are going to now grow our own vegetables in our allotment patch!
The children started by clearing out one of our digging pits to create our very own allotment. We started off by digging out all of the weeds that had taken over; using spades and our hands and muscle power! Next we added a couple of bags of compost as an extra layer to our soil using rakes to smoothen and flatten it down. Then in groups we have planted a variety of vegetable seeds; carrots, lettuce, onions and courgettes. All the seeds looked very different when we planted them! Finally we gave our newly planted seeds a water. We will be loving, caring for and tending to our allotment over the coming weeks and can’t wait to watch and see our vegetables grow - just like we can all grow when we are cared for, loved and looked after by God, Jesus and the people around us.

St. George shield and dragon parade! The children loved parading to drum beat throughout the whole school to show their junk model dragons they made in school and shields for St. George they made at home!

Junk Model Dragons! The children have made some amazing junk model dragons to use in our parade! Great listening to instructions and fine motor skills!

EY Picture News - Learning in Afghanistan and how can we learn?

This week's news story  in EY Picture News is about a new BBC television programme called Dars. It has begun to help children learn from home in Afghanistan.

We discussed: have you heard of the country Afghanistan before? What do you know about this country?

A group called the Taliban took charge of Afghanistan in 2021 and since then, most girls older than 11 have been banned from going to school.

We discussed: What does banned mean? Do you think it’s fair that boys can go to school but girls cannot? What do you think the girls will do all day? How would you feel, if you were told you were not allowed to go to school anymore?

The new television programme has been specially made for children wanting to learn in Afghanistan and is called Dars, which means ‘lesson’ in the main languages spoken in Afghanistan.

We discussed: There are many languages in the world? Can you say any words in a different language? Is there a language that you would like to learn? Do you think this new television programme to help Afghan children learn is a good idea? How do you think we could help?

We looked at the map to see where Afghanistan was.

We then looked at some ways that we can learn. (See photos below)

We discussed: How do you think you learn best? Which way do you enjoy the most? Why? If you enjoy exploring, where do you like to explore and play? Outside/inside, in a garden, a wooded area, in the classroom, in a sandpit/water tray? Do we all enjoy learning in the same way? Why?

Learning all about odd and even numbers!

Happy St. George's Day! The children learned how St. George is the Patron Saint of England and how two symbols of England are the flag and the red rose. The children made both of these to take home and put up in their homes to celebrate St. George's Day this Sunday, 23rd April!

St. George and the Dragon! We are loving our new topic on the legend of St. George and the Dragon - take a look at the play we have been enjoying based around the theme!

Red Wears Hearing Aids

This week in ‘One Decision’ we we listened to a story about people who wear hearing aids and why they wear them. The story was about ‘red the drop’ at school and the teacher explaining why she wore them. Firstly the Mr Scott the teacher sat them down and explained that’s some people have difficulty seeing and need to wear glasses, and then that some children have trouble walking and may use a set of sticks, leg braces or a wheel chair. Mr Scott then said that some people have difficulty hearing so may use a hearing aid to help them hear and then she told the class how they help her and things her friends could do to help her too, such as facing her when they talk so she can see their lips.

We are very lucky as we have a lovely girl in Year 4 who wears them and she kindly came down to show the children her hearing aids and digital box and tell us a bit about what they do. She told us how long she’s had them for (since she was 4/5) and how they help her (she said they made sounds louder for her) she also told us that she doesn’t mind wearing them at all because it helps her so much. :) 

EY Picture News - Emergency Alert! What is an emergency and how should we deal with it?

Look at how we experienced Easter joy like Jesus' friends, family and followers did when he rose on Easter Sunday!

He is ALIVE! Our wonderful Easter cards showing that we understand that Jesus rose on Easter Sunday!

Our visit to St. Mary's Church to learn all about the Stations of the Cross and how they show what Jesus endured on Good Friday...

EY Picture News - The Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

Our Beanstalks! 

Yesterday the children took their bean plants home which they planted on the first day back after February half term.
They have looked after them well, taking turns on a rota to water them! We started our topic by reading ‘The Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle and the things the children learned from the book that seeds need to grow, we’re actually really the things they needed! These were light, warmth and water (moisture). The way our beanstalks have grown over this half term have shown this! 
Each week, one of our maths lessons has been measuring how much our beanstalks have grown using multi-link cubes. Take a look at the progress over the weeks in the photos below. We used a different colour to show each week’s growth! We have been comparing the height of the beanstalks with vocabulary such as tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortest. In small groups yesterday we made group bar charts with our multi link towers to compare the heights of the beanstalks with our friends!
The overall tallest beanstalk was Daisy’s which was 43 cubes! Poppy’s was in second place at 42 cubes and Lily Jo’s in third at 40 cubes!

Library Van Visit! Look at the wonderful books for pleasure that we chose!

EY Picture News - Learning all about what guide dogs are, how they are trained and how they help people...

Live Lamb Cam! Following our trip to Walby, we have had a live lamb cam in class!

Making 7! We have been practising making 7 in different ways using our 7 little ducks song!

Living Eggs! We are loving having the chicks in class! Take a look at what has been going on...

An Alphabet of Fruits! 

Following on from our World Book Day activities around the book 'Oliver's Fruit Salad', we have used our knowledge and the internet to research and find a different fruit for each of the letters of the alphabet! 

We have then observed closely what these fruits look like, using the internet on the ipads, and painted an observational picture of the fruit from our selected letter of the alphabet! 

We had to use our colour mixing skills that we have been developing over the year to paint them the correct colours. 

Take a look.... They look fantastic! 

Father Kevan came to visit to talk to the children about Lent...

EY Picture News - How can we protect British wildlife?

World Book Day! Can you tell which charcters we have dressed up as?

Fruit Tasting! We sampled different fruits and voted on our favourite!

We made fruit salad and ate it for special snack! Delicious!

EY Picture News - Do you like to spend or save money?

Space Party Day! What fun we had to finish our topic!

Alien Slime Jelly Special Snack - Solids, Liquids and Chanaging State!

We have been learning all about what it is like to live on the International Space Station! We made our climbing tree into it!

EY Picture News - All about Gorillas!

Multi Skills Fun Competition at St. Benedict's for 6 Reception Friends!

Capacity - Lots of practical fun learning all about capacity!

St. Valentine's Day! We learned about the history of St. Valentine and then made these cards for our loved ones...

After learning all about famous astronauts and cosmonauts we learned the astronaut and cosmonaut Just Dance routine!

EY Picture News - Fair Pay in Sport

Dance Competition with Kells Infants!

Our Space Vehicle Junk Models!

National Storytelling Week! 

We loved dressing up as characters from our favourite books! 

Our friends from Year 6 also visited us on Friday afternoon to read each of us a story! We loved listeniong to the stories they had chosen to share with us! 

The Amazon Rainforest! Our EY Picture News this week was all about saving the Amazon Rainforest; take a look at some of the activities we completed....

Get Well Cards - We made cards and thought of prayers for people in our local hospital. Father Kevan is going to deliver them for us....

Fruit Smoothies!

EY Picture News - Inspired to be a Diver by Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix

Liquids and Solids... Freezing and Melting! Chilly Special Snack!

Liquids and Solids.... Freezing and Melting! Exploring Ice!

Nursery Rhyme Nativity

Christmas Party Fun!

Our traditional Christmas dinner!

Our Christmas Trip to Muncaster Castle - What was Christmas like in Victorian times?

All about hedgehogs! 

The children had shown a real interest in hedgehogs after the visit from the veterinary nurse who has a pet African pygmy hedgehog! 

The have loved accessing a range of enhancements linked to their learning on hedgehogs within the continuous provision! Take a look...

Pedal Power!

Remembrance Day Poppy Collages

Firework art for Diwali and Bonfire Night celebrations!

Sculpting and Decorating Clay Diva Lamps

Spooky Fancy Dress Day!

Pet Portraits - Observational Paintings and Colour Mixing!

A visit from the veterinary nurse!

Learning all about different bears...

Making jam sandwiches for our Teddy Bears' Picnic!

2021-2022 Photo Gallery

Look what we have been up to...

Making and eating fruit salad!

We looked after our beanstalks and look at them now!

Our Amazing Airport! Where will we travel to in our 'Around the World' topic...?

Italian Pizza Making!

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We have learned that pizza is traditionally from Italy - the European country we have been learning all about! We made and ate our own italian pizzas for special snack!

Mystery Reader! Who will it be next week?!