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St Mary's Catholic Primary School home page

We grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus

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Our Nursery Friends

Welcome to the Nursery page.

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Forster and our Senior Teaching Assistant is Miss Buchanan.

Our class is made up of nursery friends who are in their pre-school year. Some of our children access the 15 hours provision and come to school in the morning and other children access the 30 hours provision and stay all day. 


Class Newsletters

Take a look at our latest class newsletters and planning to see what the children are learning about this term:

Home Learning

Homework is set on Tapestry every Friday and should be uploaded, ready to share with their friends in class, by the following Wednesday. Please check Tapestry each week for home learning tasks. 



To promote a love of learning, we begin by sending a Traditional Tale home with the children each week to share with their grown ups at home. These are always thoroughly enjoyed by the children and promote an opportunity to develop language through discussion around the story.


As well as the daily story times we have at Nursery, we encourage you to read lots of stories and sing lots of rhymes with your children. Doing so will help them massively with their language development and love of reading. 


Parent Information - Please take a look at the information shared with parents for reading: