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We grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus

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Electricity Day

Year 6 have taken part in an electricity day to think, talk and work scientifically. They’ve made different types of circuits, posed questions, made predictions and carried out experiments to test their scientific predictions. They’ve worked so hard and learnt such a lot about electricity.

East African Wildlife Photographer

Year 6 were very lucky to welcome Peter Nutsford, Wildlife Photographer, to share his images, videos and stories of wildlife in Kenya. They looked at endangered species and many other animals which Peter has encountered. Their particular favourite was the ‘Moonwalking Bird’!

Cumbrian Award Assembly

The children in Years 5&6 are very excited to be taking part in the Cumbrian Award this year. They will take part in quality experiences in Adventure, Culture and Enterprise and lots of exciting learning experiences along the way, all with links to significant Cumbrian people and places. 
The award will help the pupils to develop many important skills that they will need as they become older, as well as give them great aspirations for their future.

We love their mission and think we will follow it fantastically well at St Mary’s:

To ‘BE’





Year 6 have had a fantastic day! They were very lucky to work with the adults from ‘Get Wired, Get Coding’, in a coding workshop. 
They made circuits and coded Lego vehicles, fairground rides and people to move and follow coded commands! 
It was so much fun and they learnt lots about coding too!

Chair of Governors Visit

Our Chair of Governors, Miss Pettit, visited the Year 6 class to talk to them about being the chairperson of a committee. She explained her role and how this crosses over to the role of Chairperson and Secretary of the School Council. Lots of our students have been inspired to apply for a place on the School Council. Thank you Miss Pettit!