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Whole Class Guided Reading

Whole Class Guided Reading - Year 2 -6 


At St. Mary's we follow a whole class guided reading approach. From Year 2- Year 6 children will access whole class guided reading. Each child will have their own high quality text/ book provided by school. Our aim is to have each child reading the same word at the same time — one book/text per child allows for maximum absorption and minimum distraction.


Teachers follow the progression grid for reading that matches to the National Curriculum statements, written by the Lancashire Professional Development Service Teaching and Learning Consultants, to ensure that guided reading sessions are pitched at the correct level. This enables class teachers and senior leaders to track progress and attainment of children against the 'Key Learning Indicators of Performance' (KLIPs) in Reading. 


Whole Class Guided Reading Lessons:-

 Are built around the teacher reading high-quality and challenging texts, which are dissected by the class through high-level questioning and discussion

 Include a range of activities – not all of which have to have a written outcome – that enable pupils to develop their vocabulary and comprehension skills

 Do not require the teacher to group pupils by ability as all the children will be accessing the same learning objective.



Here are some of the high quality texts from our whole class guided reading sessions

Within these lessons pupils are:-

 Regularly immersed in high-quality children's literature

 Pupils are able to improve speaking and listening skills, as well as developing comprehension skills

 More time is given to modelling skills rather than just assessing ability