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Our Maths Curriculum…

“Mathematics is a universal language that helps us to understand the world, and it is a core part of the curriculum. As well as teaching about numbers, shapes, statistics and patterns, it provides important tools for work in areas such as physics, architecture, medicine and business. It helps learners to develop logical and methodical thinking, to focus and to solve a wide range of mathematical problems.” (Ofsted July 2023)


At St Mary’s, we believe that maths is a key cornerstone of children’s education and that it provides a foundation for understanding the world around them, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

Our vision is to give the children of St Mary’s a Maths curriculum which will open opportunities to the world around them. We strive to equip them with the mathematical knowledge, understanding and aspiration to problem solve, seek jobs in mathematics and be confident when using mathematics in their everyday lives. 

At St. Mary’s, our maths curriculum meets the statutory requirements outlined in the National Curriculum (2014) and the Development Matters Framework. It is organised and to developed to create a systematic and connected curriculum to ensure progression in knowledge and development of skills.

The Ofsted Maths Review (May 2021), states that mathematical curriculum knowledge is classified into three types:

Declarative Knowledge- can be introduced as, ‘I know that….’ and is related to facts and formula.

Procedural Knowledge- Can be introduced with, ‘I know how….’ and relates to methods.

Conditional Knowledge- Can be introduced with, ‘I know when….’ and relates to reasoning and problem solving strategies.

Through these, the aims of our maths curriculum are to:


• Develop each child’s mathematical skills and knowledge accompanied by mental recall of basic facts.

•Ensure all pupils are confident using mathematical vocabulary when reasoning about mathematics.

•  Encourage each child to have an eager and positive attitude towards mathematics and to develop their curiosity.

• Develop in each child the ability to think clearly, logically, independently and flexibly with increasing confidence.

• Develop skills in reasoning and problem solving through setting out challenging goals and tasks.

• Encourage a mastery approach to teaching and learning through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract methods.

• Ensure that each child will experience the breadth and depth of mathematical activities, as laid down by the National Curriculum, matched to their individual abilities and previous experience whilst providing aspirations for their future.

• Positively encourage every child to fully participate in every lesson.


How we Teach Maths at St Mary’s


At St Mary’, we follow the mastery approach to teaching maths. This means that we:

Work together as a class on the same topic

All pupils will access the same specific concepts and skills until these are mastered.


Timely intervention to prevent gaps

Children who have not met the expected outcome of the maths lesson will be helped by a short, same day intervention to address this and ensure that gaps in knowledge do not form.


Challenge by going deeper, not further

Pupils who master the knowledge and skills taught will be given tasks which allow them to consolidate their learning further through problem solving and reasoning- these will give them the opportunity to use higher order thinking.


Small step focused teaching

Mastery looks at ‘small steps’ in learning so children can understand ‘why and how’ maths is done in this way.