Reporting a Concern
Are you worried about something? Is there a problem you need to share with someone? We are working hard to provide ways to help you tell us if you have any problems or worries which the School needs to know about such as bullying.
Reporting issues is very effective important so we can deal with them. We already have several ways in which you can report to our school and it is important you talk to your TRUSTED ADULT. There are lots of different ways in which you can report any concerns you may have.
Shout Out Box
As well as having your own class 'Shout Out Box', there is also a 'Shout Out Box' in the Computing Room. If you have any Online Safety concerns, please write your comments on to a post-it note and post it into the Shout Out box. A member of our Online Safety / Safeguarding team will check it regularly and will respond to any comments posted.
Whisper is an anonymous reporting service that allows you to send a message to a confidential school email account where staff experienced in responding to issues will receive it.
Clicking on the Whisper link below will take you to an online form where you can leave your message.
Click in the link below to access this reporting service.
Child Exploitation, Online Protection
If you or anyone you know is worried about Child Exploitation, Online Protection or anything related to Internet safety please click the link below which will take you to the CEOP reporting website: