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Accelerated Reader

In school, children regularly take 'book quizzes' on an i-pad, after they have finished their reading book. This analyses their understanding of the texts they have read, and children receive certificates and rewards for books read and quizzes passed.


The children really look forward to taking these book quizzes, which also supports a love of reading and provides another great incentive for children to read regularly both in school and at home!


The results of the book quizzes provide teachers with a wealth of information about children's reading ability, attainment and progress, which builds into their ongoing assessment of children's reading.


This is further enhanced by children taking half termly 'Star Reader' comprehension tests, which provides a further source of information which teachers can draw on to gain a clear overall picture of children's progress and skills in reading comprehension. 

What is the Star Reading Test?

Star Reading is a computerized reading assessment that uses computer adaptive technology. Questions continually adjust to your child's responses. If the child's response is correct the difficulty level is increased. If a child misses a question the difficulty level is reduced. The test uses multiple choice questions. After taking the test your child will be given a ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development). This will then give the children a range with which they can choose their reading book. The ZPD ensures that the child is reading the correct level book for their ability. Teachers will also use their professional judgement when assigning books.