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History Gallery

Reception - Famous Astrounauts from history! We have learned about the first man into space, the first woman into space, the first man to walk on the moon, the first black woman to go into space and the British astronaut who spent 6 months on the ISS! These inspired lots of us to dress up as astronauts on Space Party Day!

The Romans - Conscience Alley - Year 4

Year 4 have been debating why Emperor Claudius decided to invade cold, wet Britain. They worked as advisors to Claudius and gave reasons for invading and reasons against invading. Our very own ‘Claudius’ then walked down conscience alley while the pupils gave their reasons for and against. 

Why did the Romans invade Britain? - Year 4

Year 4 have been investigating possible reasons for the Romans invading Britain. They ordered the reasons according to which they thought were the most important and least important. 

Stone Age Cave - Year 3

To consolidate our learning about our History topic ‘Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age’, we turned our classroom into a Stone Age cave! Thinking about how pre-historic people lived, we created cave paintings in relation to our learning using only natural colours. We also ‘gathered’ berries to eat whilst we done this, just like Stone Age people may have done! After our cave was completed, we completed a class poster to show everything that we know about our topic and have the chance to talk about our fantastic knowledge! 

Year 2 have been lucky enough to have different people come and speak to us about their jobs. Wilma told us all about being a nurse and we compared it to Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. 


Gemma told us about working in a nuclear plant. We got to wear some of the protective clothing. It was very interesting. 

Year 2 - Mystery Jobs - Parent Visitors

Reception - The children all thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas dinner (especially the Christmas crackers!) We made lots of links to what we learned about the traditions that the Victorians introduced that influence how we celebrate Christmas today - having turkey, having Christmas crackers and all sitting together for a celebratory meal.

Reception - A visit to Muncaster Castle to learn about Christmas in Victorian times.

Reception - Learning all about why and how we celebrate Bonfire Night in Great Britain! We learned that over 400 years (a very long time) ago, in 1605, a man called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the government including King James I. Guy Fawkes' plot was foiled and King James decreed that every year on 5th November, people in Great Britain should celebrate Bonfire Night to remember how he survived! We learned that having fireworks is one of the ways we celebrate!

Year 5 - Moorforge Viking Settlement

Year 5 visited a Viking heritage discovery settlement focusing on life in the 10th century. They took part in workshops which enriched their history learning. 

Year 6 - Hawse End (WWII)

Year 6 visited Hawse End as part of their topic on WWII. They followed the route of a real evacuee from the old train station at Keswick, over Derwentwater on the launch and finally to the reception centre. They learnt many things throughout the day- even taking part in an air-raid where they had to seek safety in the outbuildings and they even had a visit from the Air-raid Warden!

Reception - The History of Pizza! 

Our topic this half term is 'Around the World'. This week we have been learning all about the continent of Europe and the country of Italy which is within it! We discovered that a food Italy is famous for is Pizza! We learned about the first ever pizza made in the Italian city of Naples 144 years ago. A chef made it for Queen Margherita and added 3 toppings- red tomato passata, white mozzarella cheese and green basil leaves which represent the 3 colours of the Italian flag!  This is why it is called a Margherita pizza today! 

The children loved making their own pizzas and eating them for soecial snack! 

Year 4 - Romans Workshop 

Year 4 visited The Beacon museum to experience their exhibition on The Romans. This was a perfect way to refresh our knowledge on The Romans after learning about them in autumn. They learned about the food the Romans ate, the Roman ruins in our local area, what a roundhouse would have looked like and we even got to see a real human skull dating back to around 200AD! 

Year 4 - Local History 

On Friday 19th May, Year 4 took part in a guided tour of Whitehaven Harbour to learn more about our town's history. We learned about the town's mining history, John Paul Jones' attack on the harbour and how the harbour has changed over the years. As always, the children were amazing and represented our school brilliantly. 

Year 4 - Local History Walk

As part of our topic, Whitehaven (including John Paul Jones), Year 4 went on a walk around Whitehaven to learn more about our town's history. We searched for and found many blue plaques around the town and when we returned to school, we researched the people/places they were commemorating.

Reception - We learned all about St. George and how he is the Patron Saint of England. The children learned how every year in England, St. George's Day is celebrated on 23rd April, the day he died over 1700 years ago! They each made 2 symbols of England to take home : an England flag and a red rose!

Reception - We learned all about famous astronauts and cosmonauts from the past and what they are famous for. It inspired lots of us to dress up as them for our space party!

Reception - We learned all about the history of St. Valentine then made these cards for our loved ones, just like Valentine did!

Reception - How was Christmas celebrated in the past?


Year 4 had an excellent visit to Vindolanda and The Roman Army Museum. We had a Latin class from a virtual teacher, saw many Roman artefacts, learned more about different Roman emperors and even got to experience what it is like to fire an arrow from a bow. 

When we visited the Vindolanda site, the children were amazed at the size of the ruins and couldn't believe how long about they were built! What a great, information filled day we had! 

History Timelines -Florence Nightingale

The children have been learning about the lives of Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. They had to put the events of Florence Nightingale's life into chronological order. 

Year 2 - A Victorian Seaside Holiday

The children in Year 2 have been finding out about Victorian holidays and comparing them to holidays in the 1960's and the present day. As part of their learning they had a Victorian day. Within the day their were lots of activities based on a seaside holiday in the late 1800's. They made a picnic based on what would have been available at the time such as home made lemonade, jam sandwiches and homemade bread.


The children also made puppets as part of the entertainment that would have been found at this time. 

Year 3 - Stone Age to Iron Age

Year 4 Romans

It was a great start to our Topic of the Romans when we visited the Beacon. We were able to learn about the Roman Empire, the Legionary and Auxilary soldiers and what life was like for them. It was a great day and were were able to use all the information we were given in our writing back at school

Year 4

Year 4 Anglo Saxon Day

Year 4 enjoyed our Anglo Saxon visitor. He taught us how and why the Anglo Saxons settled in Britain and allowed us to handle the weapons used by them. We imagined we were about to go into Battle and settle in one of the five Kingdoms in Britain. It really brought our topic to life.

Year 5