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We grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus

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Reporting a concern

If you think a child is at immediate risk of harm, you must call the Police urgently on 999. 


You can ring the Safeguarding Hub on 0333 240 1727 to seek advice or speak to a Social Worker to report a concern.


24 hour number to call if you are concerned about a child.








The safety and well-being of our pupils is something that our school strives hard to ensure and we continue to work hard to provide ways to help you tell us if you or your children have any problems or worries which the School needs to know about such as bullying.


Reporting issues is a very effective way to enable us to deal with risks before they escalate into harm, and we already have several ways in which you can report to our school.  We understand too that sometimes, coming into school to tell us about these issues can not always be an easy thing to do.


Whisper is an anonymous reporting service for pupils, families and local community that allows you to send a message or text to a confidential school email account where staff experienced in responding to issues will receive it.


Clicking on the Whisper link on our site will take you to an online form where you can leave your message. You can choose to send it anonymously or, if you want us to get back to you, you can leave your contact details. Whisper does not collect any information to identify a sender unless they choose to leave it.


Click in the link below to access this reporting service.