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We grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus

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Our Reception Friends 2024 - 2025

Our class teacher is Mrs Sibbald. We also have Mrs Logan, Mrs Durkin, Miss Gale and Miss Barnard who are STAs and they all work as a 1-1 Learning Support Assistants in our class at different times over the course of each week. Miss Buchanan is a HLTA who works with the children some afternoons too. 





Class Newsletters

Take a look at our latest class newsletters to see what the children are learning about: 

Medium Term Overviews

Take a look at our plans for what we are covering each half term. Please note that these are overarching plans and children's needs and interests can take the learning in different directions, so these plans are adapted as necessary on an ongoing basis. 


Homework is set on Tapestry every Friday and should be uploaded for the following Friday. Please check Tapestry each week for home learning tasks. 




Your child will come home with a phonics reading book each day and a library book to share with you for pleasure each Friday.


Your child's library book should be returned every Thursday.


Please ensure your child brings their phonics reading book to school every day. The children will have 3 group reading sessions within school each week: decoding, prosody and comprehension. Please share the book with your child at home each night to develop confidence and fluency, encouraging them to read independently by segmenting and blending any words they are unsure of and talk to them about what is happening, how characters are feeling, predicting what might happen next and discussing what their favourite part of the book is and explaining why. 

We use 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised' to teach the children their phonics and early reading. Please see the link below to their parent information site, which includes useful videos and documents to help you support your child at home. The Power Point Presentation from our reading meeting on 9th September is also attached below.