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EY Picture News - Staying Safe on the World Wide Web

This weeks news story is all about the World Wide Web.

We discussed: Does anyone know what the World Wide Web is?

The World Wide Web is all the websites we can look at when we are on the internet.

We discussed: What do you like to do online? What do you use to get onto your favourite websites e.g., a laptop, a phone, a tablet? Does everyone in your home like to use the same or different websites? Why do people in your home like to use websites for e.g., shopping, watching videos, playing games, finding out information?

The World Wide Web is in the news as it has been 30 years since the first websites were put on the internet.

We discussed: Can you imagine not being able to go onto websites now? If your family couldn’t buy anything from a website, how would they be able to buy everything they need? If they wanted to find out something, how would they do it?

We looked at a map to see where the World Wide Web was invented. It was invented by a British Computer Scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 while working at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. The web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automated information-sharing between scientists and institutes around the world.

We next looked at some popular logos from company websites grown-ups and children like to visit.

We discussed: Do you recognise any of these logos? Which of these websites do you go on? What do you use them for? Do you know any grown-ups who use any of these? How do you make sure that you are safe when you go onto your favourite websites? Do you have rules at home about being online?
Do your parents/carers tell you when you should come off websites/online games?
Is it ok to talk to people you know online? What about people you don’t know? Have you ever seen something on a website that you don’t like or makes you feel sad, what should you do?

Reception - Mrs Varty came to read us the story 'Once Upon a Time Online!' on Safer Internet Day. We learned all about how to stay safe online, safe amounts of screen time and how to seek help.

Safer Internet Day

Pupils in Year 1 - Year 6 took part in a workshop with Mrs Varty to highlight and discuss online safety- we were also very luck to be joined by some of our parents too.


Pupils in KS2 looked at risk factors, which things we were most and least confident identifying online as well as discussing things that we find annoying online and wish we could get rid of!


Pupils in KS1 listened to the story of Hanni and the Magic Window and thought about how we feel when we see something we don't like. We discussed our Trusted Adults and how talking to people about our worries can make us feel better. 

Remember- online safety isn’t just for one day, it’s for every day!

Pupils in Reception have had a very busy day learning about online safety. Here are just some of the things they got up to today for safer internet day.

They discussed the problems that arose in the story we read and gave appropriate responses

They discussed and wrote a set of rules for staying safe online. 

They watched a video from one decision of DeeDee's golden rules when using tablets or the internet.

Reception pupils read a story and learned a song to help us remember what to do if we need to make a tricky decision when using the internet.

Still image for this video

Year 1 looked at the PowerPoint from Project Evolve and had a good discussion. They then got into a circle and sorted the rule cards into the correct categories for keeping safe online and keeping happy and healthy online. The children then went off and drew pictures to correspond with these rules, and then placed them into the correct categories.