Class Photo Gallery
Great British Brushathon - We have been learning all about how to brush our teeth correctly and why it is important. Take a look at our #selfies for the #greatbritishbrushathon as part of National Smile Month!

World Book Day - March 2024

Chinese New Year celebrations - February 2024
We have been learning about Chinese New Year, so on Friday 9th February we had a special celebration. Everyone came to school dressed in red, as we have learned that Chinese people believe that red is a lucky colour. We had a special dragon dance parade through the school and used our homemade dragon head, some special material and some musical instruments. We were also very lucky at snack time, as we transformed our classroom into a Chinese restaurant and tasted some yummy Chinese food. Father Kevan cooked us some homemade salt and pepper chips and prawn crackers and we also had some spring rolls, rice and sweet chilli sauce. What a fun day!
Christmas trip to Billy Bears play centre - December 2023

Autumn walk and litter pick - October 2023
In Autumn term 2, the children were learning about the season of Autumn. As part of this, the children enjoyed discussing what signs there are in the natural world around us that show us that we were in the season of Autumn and linking these to our own experiences. We enjoyed a lovely Autumn walk, exploring the signs of autumn and talking about how the natural environment has changed, such as the changing colour of the leaves. The children were particularly interested in the fact that days get shorter, and nights get longer during the Autumn months. We also learned about special events that occur during the Autumn months such as Halloween, Harvest Festival, and Bonfire night, and how people celebrate these. The children enjoyed their Autumn walk around the local area and engaged in lots of conversations with grown-ups and friends to share what they could see, smell, feel and touch.
Before we set off on our walk we also took part in some litter picking to keep the school grounds nice and tidy and safe. We have been learning about how special Gods world is, and that it is so important to look after it, so we wanted to keep our school grounds tidy and inviting. The children did a wonderful and sensible job and they all understand the importance of looking after Gods world.

Halloween 2023
We had a fun filled day dressing up in spooky outfits. We did a parade to show off our fancy dress and then we enjoyed decorating pumpkins. We had an extra special treat for snack which consisted of mini cupcakes!